Celebrate the Carnival season in the Nordic fashion with this family-friendly day at Nordia House!
Join us for Fastelavn an afternoon of crafts, games, fastelavnsboller, snacks, beverages, hilarities and a costume contest!
Fastelavn is a Nordic Carnival in which children and adults alike dress up and have fun for a day! This holiday falls before Lent season during a time of festivities and celebration. Throw on your favorite costume for our costume contest, play games, make 'fastelavnsris' (decorative tree branches), and 'slå katten af tønden' (hit the cat out of the barrel). Who will be crowned 'kattekonge' (king of cats), and 'kattedronning' (queen of cats)? Let's find out!
General Admission: $14
Nordic Northwest Member: $9
Northwest Danish Association Member: $9
Danish Sisterhood Mt. Hood Lodge #81 Member: $9
Infants: Free
Arts for All: $5
(Tickets are limited to two people per Oregon Trail card. Please be prepared to show Oregon Trail card at the door.)
Please note, all sales are final
Volunteer Opportunities
Join in the fun as part of the crew! Flex your muscles during set-up or take-down, assist at the photo booth or monitor the buffet supplies, assist with the crafts or run the games. There's lots of fun ways to participate!