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Board of Directors Meeting Summary 7.27.20

Nordic Northwest’s volunteer Board of Directors met on July 27. Congratulations were in order, after a long process the Fogelbo property is placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Board thanked everybody for their work on the application, special thanks to Greg Jacob for spearheading the application process. The Board thanked departing board member Tim Walberg for his service on the Board.

The June financial statements were reviewed. Nordic Northwest will apply for a conversion of the Payroll Protection Program Loan to a grant. Investment Committee charter was approved and the following members were appointed; Mike Nelson, Peter Loop, John Nelson, Jim Parr and Sonja Haugen. Donor restricted gifts to the endowment fund and gifts received through bequests, unless donor restricted, will be placed in an Endowment fund. The Investment Committee has overall responsibility for the operation and administration of the endowment funds and investments. Kim Bergenser and Katariina Lehtonen were appointed to Co-chair the Program Committee.

The Board was updated on alternative plans for ScanFair, due to the pandemic the festival will not be able to be held in 2020 at the Oregon Convention Center. The Get Portland Rolling Raffle kicked-off last week; special thanks to Kirsty Dickinson and Cherie Briggs for spearheading the raffle. The Board supported creation of a Board Challenge Opportunity. They set a goal and asked each other to give a generous and meaningful pledge to Nordic Northwest. The collective pledge amount raised will become a challenge opportunity for Nordic Northwest’s members and donors this fall

The Board has formed Task Forces to work on the five strategic initiatives. Task Force leadership has been identified and each task force will create its charter that outlines: size, meeting frequency, responsibilities, and membership expectations and requirements. These Task Force charters will be adopted at the August Board Meeting. In September the strategic plan will be communicated and Nordic Northwest will reach out to its membership to participate on the Task Forces to realize its future vision.


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